
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 160x110 cm

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In the softly lit, almost ethereal setting of the painting, a moment of poignant interaction is captured between a young girl and a large bulldog. The walls and floor, painted in muted hues of beige and light olive, suggest an indoor ambiance, somewhat dilapidated or rustic in nature. The bulldog is seated with its back towards us, gazing back over its shoulder, possibly looking at the girl standing nearby. The muscular frame and folds of the bulldog’s skin are rendered with care, emphasizing its solid, yet gentle presence.The young girl, standing with her body slightly turned, her pale blue dress hanging softly around her knees, watches the dog intently. Her brown hair cascades gently down her back, and the expression on her face, although not vividly detailed, evokes a sense of curious contemplation.Floating just above the scene, against the rough texture of the wall, are two bright red apples, tied to it, casting soft shadows. Another visual element is an almost transparent portrait in a wooden frame hanging on the wall, adding a layer of enigma to the scene.


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Painting in the interior

1cm = 14,5cm

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Born 1962 in Lithuania. Self taught, paint about 20 years. For me, painting was a natural state, something I did not really choose but which came automatically because, that was what I needed. Mediums: Oil, Techniques: Alla prima, layering technique. Subjects: still life, figurative painting, portrait. Exhibitions 2007 - 'The Tribute to Rotonde' , “Gallery Gabrichidze”, Briussels, Belgium. 2008 – „Island of silens“, gallery „Akmens ženklai“, Vilnius, Lithuania.