Welcome to our community, and thank you for using Paveikslai.lt!

To make the most of our services, please take the time to read these General Terms of Use ("GENERAL RULES").

The website www.paveikslai.lt is managed by the private limited company "ArtArea", company code: 302315670, VAT code: LT100004751418, bank account: LT567300010114083949. The company's main office is located at Vytauto pr. 60, Kaunas. Company details are collected and stored in the State Enterprise Centre of Registers. The company's director is Marius VIRBICKAS.

  1. The purpose of the General Rules is to define the rules for the User's use of the Website, as well as the obligations of PAVEIKSLAI.LT. The User agrees to comply with these General Rules each time they visit the Website, which apply to all services and content available on the Website. Therefore, the User agrees unconditionally to all these General Rules before any use of this Website and its services.

  2. PAVEIKSLAI.LT reserves the right to change the General Rules at any time to reflect any legal, judicial, editorial, functional, and/or technical changes. The current version is always available at https://www.paveikslai.lt/lt/content/37-bendrosios-taisykles. By using the website, you automatically agree to its terms.

  3. SERVICE DESCRIPTION. The Website offers Users a service that allows them to explore a catalog of various artworks sold through the Site by registered artists, as well as to make offers to purchase the artworks for sale. Sales are conducted according to these General Rules, which are provided on the website https://www.paveikslai.lt/lt/content/37-bendrosios-taisykles.

  4. ACCESS TO SERVICES. Use of the Website and its services implies agreement with these General Rules, even without creating a User account. The Website provides the User with the opportunity to use the services for free.

  5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. PAVEIKSLAI.LT is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights unless otherwise stated explicitly. The Website, trademarks, drawings and models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphic elements, software and programs, search engines, databases, sounds, video recordings, domain names, design, and any other content on the Website, although this list is not exhaustive, are the exclusive property of PAVEIKSLAI.LT. Any full or partial reproduction of the Website content in any form without prior permission from PAVEIKSLAI.LT is considered an infringement of intellectual property rights.

  6. PERSONAL DATA. The rules for collecting personal data by PAVEIKSLAI.LT are specified at https://www.paveikslai.lt/lt/content/26-privatumo-politika.

  7. COOKIES. PAVEIKSLAI.LT uses cookies to improve the services offered and provide certain features that may be useful to customers. Detailed privacy policy is provided here: https://www.paveikslai.lt/lt/content/26-privatumo-politika.

  8. These General Rules take effect from the moment the User accesses the Website (not necessarily by creating an account) and remain valid as long as the services of PAVEIKSLAI.LT are used.

  9. LIABILITY OF PAVEIKSLAI.LT. PAVEIKSLAI.LT is not responsible for any operational malfunctions of the website or inability to use it, or unfavorable conditions related to the use of the website. Also, PAVEIKSLAI.LT is not liable for any data, time, and/or any other indirect damage related to the use of the Website.

  10. These General Rules constitute all the terms agreed upon by PAVEIKSLAI.LT and the User and replace any previous written or oral agreement related to the purpose of the rules. Any additional terms or disputes related to the purpose of the General Rules contained in any written or oral communication addressed to PAVEIKSLAI.LT are considered invalid and unenforceable.