The Abduction of Europe

Technique: Drypoint
Dimensions: 19x30 cm
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In the painting, a large bull stands prominently, its body partly cloaked in elaborate patterning suggestive of a saddle or blanket. The creature's posture is dynamic, with one front leg raised as if in mid-motion, evoking a sense of action. On the back of the bull, a figure — presumably a woman based on the long, flowing hair and delicate features — is seated. The woman’s posture is relaxed, with one hand resting behind her on the bull's back, suggesting a calm mastery or an alliance rather than fear. The bull's head is turned slightly, as if looking forward or acknowledging the viewer's presence. The setting appears vaguely aquatic, with wave-like patterns and fish motifs at the base, hinting at a mythical or symbolic river or sea journey. The overall style is sketch-like, with expressive, fluid lines contributing to the movement and mythological ambiance of the scene.


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I was born in Jonava in 1969. I studied at Kaunas St. Žukas Applied Arts Technical School. In 1989 I entered Vilnius Art Academy, graphics specialty. I graduated from the Academy in 1995. Since 1994 I participate in exhibitions. I have organized solo exhibitions in Kėdainiai, Jonava, Kaunas and other cities. I have also participated at international exhibitions in Austria (Linz), Russia (St. Petersburg) and elsewhere. My works are in private collections in Lithuania,  USA and Australia.

In my works, I want to find a dialogue with the audience. Society and personality being in the historical and contemporary, philosophical, theological, mythological meaning. In my works I try to solve problems of life and time peacefully, avoiding expressionism and primitivism. For my artistic expression I chose the graphics - etching, dry needle technique. Black and white opposition I connect into a single texture.

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member