In the Rhythm of the Wind

Technique: Oil and acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 60x60 cm
Year of creation: 2024
Lithuanian Art Gallery
Ready to hang on the wall
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The scene captures a solitary sailboat as it battles against the fierce gusts of the sea. The canvas is dominated by a large, billowing sail that appears almost translucent, touched by patches of light and shadow. The boat, tilting precariously under the force of the wind, cuts a sharp angle with the water line, suggesting movement through the turbulent blue waters. The background comprises a blend of stormy grays and warm earth tones, streaked with vertical lines that resemble rain or perhaps the spray of the sea. The horizon is obscured, blending the sky and sea into a tumultuous, indistinct border, enhancing the sense of a chaotic nature surrounding the small vessel. The entire painting vibrates with the energy of the elements, a dynamic interaction of color and form that palpably conveys the motion of the wind and water.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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"We all look at the same world, but we all perceive it differently. Creativity is a way to express to others how I see and perceive all that is around me. You can not really explain why exactly you chose such expression, or colour, or mood – it is simply what you feel and see in the present moment, and even the tiniest element of existence changes everything in an instant.

Sometimes, and artwork is emerges followed by a certain mood, feeling or emotion. Other times, white canvas already spent few days on an easel. When I pass it through, I stop for a moment and savour its perfection – in this moment, all that is fits in the canvas... And when I am in my inner state it only takes a moment for me to see the painting that I carve by light and colour," - says the painter.

The most frequent elements of Daiva's work are people and the natural world, whose perfection is often revealed through flower blossoms, natural landscapes and animal images. The human beings depicted by the artist often resemble an incarnation of the elements or a deity. In Daiva's work, there is no barier between human and nature. Here everything exists in perfect unity.