
Rima Rusinova
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 60x60 cm
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The painting displays a vibrant bouquet of asters in a variety of colors including purple, blue, pink, white, and red, arranged in a clear glass vase that reveals their stems. The vase sits on a reflective surface, accentuating its transparency and the stems within. Surrounding the vase are assorted fruits; two green apples, two red and yellow apples, and two dark plums, adding a rich, earthy balance to the bright floral arrangement. The vivid use of color and light suggests a lively yet peaceful tableau, rich in texture and depth. The background and the surface on which the vase and fruits rest are rendered in shades of green, creating a harmonious backdrop that complements the natural elements of the composition.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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"I was born in Vilnius in 1959. 

I was always into drawing. In 1981  I graduated from the Vienožinskis 4-year art school in Vilnius, where such famous artists as A. Švėgžda and I. Piekuras taught.

The main genres of my work are landscape, still life, portrait. My favorite themes: people and nature. I think these are two inseparable things. Through my prism I reflect in my works what is important to me. Motifs of the beloved Vilnius also prevail in the painting." 

She has participated in exhibitions since 1995, organized 13 personal exhibitions and actively participates in collective exhibitions.

Since 2013 is a member of LTS.

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania in 2016 granted the status of an art creator.

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania