
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 90x120 cm
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In the painting titled "Rhythm" by Alma Karalevičienė, a vivid array of abstract forms and dynamic strokes creates a striking visual composition. The color palette is soft yet varied, featuring shades of muted blues, grays, beiges, and hints of green and black. These colors divide the canvas into distinctive sections which appear both harmonically blended and individually assertive.The left side of the painting is dominated by soothing tones of beige and blue, over which smeared and more textured applications of paint suggest a sense of movement. A noticeable feature is a series of vertical, jagged lines in a rusty orange color that seem to pulse rhythmically across the smoother background.Contrasting dramatically with this gentler scene, the central and right portions of the composition introduce a bolder, graphic element with dense, black vertical lines that resemble tall grass or reeds. This cluster of dark lines stands out against the lighter sections and is connected by a thin, horizontal bronze line that streaks across the painting, perhaps symbolizing continuity or a horizon.Further to the right, the composition alternates between patches of clean blues and creamy beige areas, with layers of paint scraped, overlaid, and dripped in an energetically haphazard manner. Some areas feature translucent layers, allowing underpainting to show through, contributing to the depth and complexity of the work.Overall, this abstract painting by Alma Karalevičienė intrigues with its varied textures and rhythmic juxtapositions of color and form, evoking a sense of both chaos and calm.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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"I was born in 1975. I have a degree in costume design, and have had several painting teachers. For a couple of years I have been painting intensively, continuously. My works are in acrylic. I have many favourite themes that fascinate me: the water element, the grace of ballerinas, the affection of pets, etc. I also paint abstract paintings. My paintings are regularly exhibited in joint exhibitions in Lithuania."

The artist herself says that freedom and spontaneity are very important to her, hence her expressive touch and her strong tendency towards abstraction. Often, however, this expression is somewhat reigned in by the drawing, or just a tiny hint of it, which is enough to turn the abstraction into a frenzied reflection of reality.

The artist boldly experiments with textures, washes and patterns, and always tries to counterbalance bright colours with a sense of lightness, so that her work always looks modern and fits perfectly in contemporary interiors.