
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 100x100 cm

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This painting depicts two large, textured hands meeting at the center, as though bridging or connecting across a multi-layered, spiraling void. The background consists of serenely shifting hues of blue that deepen towards the center in a spiral form. This central spiral draws the eye inward, suggesting a kind of motion or energy at its core. Surrounding this central vortex are circular bands that vary in shade from light to dark blue, adorned with bead-like blue spheres at regular intervals. The perimeter of the circular formation is lined with small, pin-like structures, each topped with a blue head, resembling markers of time or positions on a clock. The backdrop against which these elements rest is a textured gray, fanning out in straight lines from the center to the edges of the canvas, giving the impression that the entire composition is in a state of gentle radiance or expansion.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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"Painting is my love, my passion. The paintings speak for themselves, they tell me about my inner world. I don't want to prove or show anything," says the artist.

Inga Dambrauskienė paintings are first recognisable from her distinctive style, stylised, even primitivist figures, usually looking at the sky with their eyes closed, but when you look at her works you will quickly notice the theme that links all of them - the inner states of human beings and their relationships.

The figures on the canvases are concentrated, immersed in inner reflection, meditation, prayer, or together they are indulging in a shared feeling or experience. The artist takes on the difficult task of depicting the invisible, using symbols, various patterns, rhythms of colour patches and naively stylised figures.

Since 1989, he has attended the studio of the painter Rimantas Bičiūnas, where he learned the basics of painting and took part in the studio's group exhibitions.

In 1991-1996 he studied and graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, acquired the speciality of an artist-educator, and defended his diploma thesis in the field of painting (supervised by prof. Giedrius Kazimierėnas).

After studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, she worked as an art teacher for several years.

Later she worked in the field of graphic design and visual advertising.

Currently she is studying art education at school and teaches art at a private school. 

Five years ago, after developing her own teaching methodology, she founded the adult art studio PIEŠIU MEDITUOJU (I AM MEDITATING).The name comes from the belief that painting is a kind of meditation, a kind of silent conversation with oneself.  It is a continuous course of academic art education, using art therapy methods.

Every year she organises and participates in group exhibitions of her paintings (at the Pylimo Gallery, St. She participates in group exhibitions and workshops at the Pilim Gallery, the Church of the Virgin Ramintojos, the Gallery of the Second Chamber of the Seimas, etc.) and in plein-air exhibitions at the homestead. 

The paintings have been purchased not only by Lithuanian art lovers, but also by guests from Canada, Poland and Italy.

In March 2015, the painting "Tulips" was successfully purchased at the Vilnius House charity auction (for the restoration of the Umiastowski Palace).