
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 70x50 cm
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Lithuanian Art Gallery Paveikslai.lt
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In the painting, a young girl is depicted in close proximity to a large bull. The bull, with its majestic golden horns that curl around to almost embrace the stars, appears both gentle and imposing. The texture of its coat is meticulously detailed, suggesting a rich, fur-like quality. The bull's eyes are soulfully drawn, engaging the viewer with a serene and knowing gaze.The girl, with her flowing hair colored a deep shade of chestnut, complements the bull’s presence. Her attire is simple yet elegant, consisting of a soft, pastel dress that matches the serene tones of the painting.The background swirls with a deep turquoise, scattered with stars, creating a dreamy, celestial atmosphere. This cosmic setting alludes to the broader theme of the zodiac and astrology, underscoring the painting’s title, "Horoscope." The interaction between the girl and the bull, filled with a sense of mutual understanding and tranquility, captures a mystical connection between human and celestial entities.


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I tell unwritten tales on canvas. For me, the picture is a subtle dance of colour, composition and content. I like the multiplicity of the plot, the philosophical subtext, the combination of mysticism and reality. I use not only oil paints, brushes, but also sponges, pieces of material, instruments used in dentistry, syringes, cosmetic toothpicks.

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania