
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 90x140 cm
Lithuanian Art Gallery
Ready to hang on the wall
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The painting captures three ethereal musicians immersed in a rehearsal. On the left, a figure delicately cradles a lute, its curves echoing the subtle angles of the musician's subdued pose. In the center, another musician, whose form blurs into wisps of vibrant colors, passionately plays a violin, holding it close to their heart. The rightmost figure brings a saxophone to their lips, their posture relaxed yet full of focus. Their attire and the background, a rich melange of reds and chaotic brush strokes, suggest a scene burning with creative fervor and kinetic energy. The faces of the musicians, abstract and almost mask-like, convey deep concentration and a trance-like immersion in their art.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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I was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 1964, in the family of actors. 

I am a self-taught painter and I often hear comments that my work cannot be assigned to any particular school or trend of painting. I have been painting for as long as I can remember. I had my first solo exhibition when I was 8, and it was held at the theatre where my mother worked. Painting means a lot to me and I enjoy the process immensely, and I am still in search of my unique style.

I have hold several personal exhibitions in various Lithuanian cities.

My paintings have been acquired by collectors in Lithuania, Ireland, Norway, and USA.