The Gap

Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 120x100 cm

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Lithuanian Art Gallery
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In the painting titled "The Gap" by Rugilė Jakšaitytė, two stylized, elongated faces occupy the canvas, rendered with vibrant, contrasting colors. The figures are predominantly in shades of blue and purple, with distinctive orange accents, set against a chaotic backdrop of dark and vivid tones that seem to fragment into shapes resembling feathers or leaves. Both faces have exaggerated, colorful facial features and hair that explodes in spiky, white bursts at the top, adding a dynamic, almost electric quality to their appearance. The eyes are simplified and expressive, one set looking upwards and the other set gazing forward. The expressions are serene yet enigmatic, enhanced by the fluid contours and the riot of surrounding colors. The use of bold, outline-like swirls around the faces gives the painting a sense of movement and fluidity, while the myriad of shapes in the background conveys a sense of depth and complexity.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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Rugilė Jakšaitytė (1997-08-13) graduated from Graphic Design Studies at Vilnius College of Technology and Design in 2019. During the quarantine artist devoted a lot of time to her favorite activity painting. This is how she created a series of paintings. In 2022 three exhibitions were organized in Lithuania cities Marijampolė - Nida - Vilnius. Her first painting exhibition was in hometown Marijampolė. Then together with the artist Maivyda she held a joint exhibition in Nida (at place Zuikio daržo tipyje). So far, she held her last exhibition at a dance event in Vilnius (at the Sculpture and Stained Glass Center of the Artists Union). Now Rugilė deepens her knowledge in the field of ceramics and in her spare time she paints.

Rugilės art work is about inner beings (in Lithuania language it calls "Baibokas"). "Baibokas" means an adult, mischievous child but in artists work "Baibokas" acquires a different meaning it is about our inner world. It is the conveyance of emotions, fears as if they were beings living inside us. Often "Baibokas" are with bowed heads, grumpy faces, huddled inside themselves because they can no longer bear all the confusion, fears and injustices in the world. Sometimes everything seems to be so much but sometimes you stop in the whole swirl of colors of the world and you don't understand which way to go. You want to change something or be changed but sometimes you stay locked in yourself and stay stuck inside yourself. But not forever. Eventually, the sun begins to shine again and the inner fire smolders. Then we emerge again from our inner walls and caves. And we try again, again and again.