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Technique: Watercolor, graphite pencils on paper
Dimensions: 56,5x76 cm
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The painting depicts a stately building, possibly a house or an institution, with a classical architectural style featuring multiple windows and a grand arched entrance. The structure is illuminated from within, casting a warm glow through the large paneled windows. The scene is set against a dramatic and tumultuous sky, swirling with dark and stormy clouds in shades of blue, gray, and splashes of warmer tones, suggesting either a stormy weather or the onset of night. Dominating the background is a large, celestial moon, partially obscured by the dark clouds, yet still bright enough to cast a luminous light over the scene. The foreground shows a subtle hint of greenery, suggesting that the building is set in a grassy area. The overall mood is both enchanting and slightly ominous, evoking a sense of isolation or abandonment in a once-vibrant place.


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Painting in the interior

1cm = 14,5cm

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Fashion designer and illustrator. 

"I grew up surrounded by artistic family members, so imagined myself only in this kind of field and purposefully pursued this dream. I finished Šiauliai art school, later learned more about painting at Vilnius art academy, Telšiai faculty. Finally graduated Vilnius art academy, Costume design. During studies I fell in love with fashion illustration, looked at professionals‘ works and improved my skills by painting a lot. I have worked with different kind of Lithuanian designers and develop my own mens‘ fashion line, but fashion illustration and painting still goes together with me. It helps to express my mind and later becomes exspressive interior accent. I work with fashion magazines, which expand my audience and let me see my paintings from different angle. Participation and achievements in national and international art and fashion competitions, exhibitions encourage me to move forward, improve and highlight the distinctive creative touch," - says the author.

Naturally, her work is dominated by portraits and figure drawings. The artist pays a lot of attention to clothing, accessories, patterns and textures, hairstyles and make-up, and through these external things she creates the mood of her characters. Although she chooses a naturally gentle watercolour technique, she likes bright, contrasting colours and her characters gaze at the viewer boldly and openly, just like catwalk models.