Stings. From the cycle STORIES OF TREES

Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 40x60 cm
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The painting presents a tranquil, snowy landscape under a broad, subtly dynamic sky. The foreground is dominated by a pristine, unbroken expanse of snow, its surface smooth and untrodden, suggesting a serene and untouched quietude. Above it, the sky transitions from a deep, moody blue at the top to a softer, lighter hue near the horizon, hinting at either dawn or dusk with gentle gradations of blue and grey, interrupted mildly by wisps of warmer tones, likely the sun's faint glow.A cluster of trees occupies the middle ground, their forms blurred and almost ghostly. These trees, bare and slender, rise with a certain fragility against the winter air, their branches faint and tangled under the weight of the cold. Each tree stands distinctly yet is connected through the subtle interplay of shadow and light, creating a sense of depth and distance. On the right, the trees become denser, their outlines more defined and slightly darker, adding a richness to the composition and perhaps suggesting a forest’s edge.The overall mood of the painting is one of quiet isolation and natural beauty, capturing a moment of stillness in a winter landscape that speaks to both the solemnity and the splendor of nature.


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The main theme of his work is the dialogue between man, the individual and society, and the visible and invisible relationship between them. Nature - landscapes, flowers, marinism - is a genre of painting that is dear to the heart, as is the urban landscape, which complements the concept of humanity in the work.

The work is dominated by a wide range of rich colours, an optimistic mood, and a deeper philosophy of life is revealed in the natural, urban and figurative motifs. The gestures of the figures convey their inner state.

The expressive, energetic creative style and the futuristic ideas of the pace of life give the paintings a distinctive character and draw the viewer's attention. A painting is more than an interior detail or decoration. It is a suspended and captured moment in life. 

Exhibitions in Lithuania, Poland, Belgium, Norway, Cyprus, Sweden and Ireland. Recently the work has been exhibited in London.

in 2023 the artist's works were exhibited at international exhibitions in Berlin, London and Rome, at the artists' symposium in Italy, Irpina.

Master of Fine Arts.

Status of artist since 2015.

Member of the Lithuanian Art Creators Association.

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania