Authors Artworks
About the author
Valentinas Varnas became one of the most popular landscape painters as soon as he joined our platform. It seems that this author does not look for motifs for long, and one would not say that the images he captures are unseen or unexpected, but the artist sees beauty and a kind of romance in each one. These paintings are somewhat like a diary, describing the events of each day in images, not picking out the most spectacular moments, but looking for the poetry in the everyday sights. And they are depicted in an etymological manner, preserving the impression of spontaneity, the brushstrokes are applied precisely but with a sense of urgency, in a rush to capture the light and its play.
One of the most frequent motifs is water, whether it is a raging lagoon or a stream flowing calmly through a forest. The artist captivatingly captures its shimmering and reflections, and the mood of the work can be sensed from its glassy surface or its restless rippling.
Born in 1956, lives and works in Kaunas.
Graduated from Kaunas St. Kaunas, Kaunas, Kaunas.
1979-1985 studies at the Vilnius State Art Institute, now Vilnius Academy.
His works are in oil painting, watercolour and drawing techniques, and have been acquired by the Regional Museum in Raseiniai, Kaunas Seminary, Kiskunmajsa (Hungary) City Museum, various organisations and private individuals in Lithuania and abroad.
For his creative achievements in painting, in 2022 the artist was awarded a diploma of the laureate of the 28th International Painting Plenary in Nida, a diploma and a prize established by the Mayor of Tomašov Lubelski (Poland).
Participates in group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, participates in many creative plein-air exhibitions, and holds solo exhibitions.

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member

This artist was acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania