Authors Artworks
About the author
The current body of artwork includes serigraphy and mixed media which transforms into its own and unique technique. During the creative process I look for new and different ways of visual expression and a wider range of measures forming compositions. Mysterious, logic disobeyed, disregard, or even disavowal of principles of beauty. Through meditative practice I try to access altered states of consciousness which serve to reveal the unconscious realm. For my graphics I try to give new spatial and temporal characteristics, to highlight what's close to subconsciousness, pseudo-reality, perverse imagination and uncertainty. While interpreting the postmodern worldview, elaborating on the paradigm of this aspect I jump to conclusions and use them for my searches, composition and creation of artworks.
Elements from inspirations such as folk art, folklore, fairy-tales, and different patterns combine to call attention to my visual pieces as an alternative reality for today's actuality, which is sick of populism, politics and pseudo-realistic images degenerated by television. It has a slightly different format, dimensions and parameters. I concern myself with integrating the paradoxical consciousness of the seen and unseen words, from something totally mundane, commonplace and, perhaps trite, to unseen, unheard and unimaginable.
As an artist I am interested in finding a unique approach to everyday live and sharing my individual realm with others. That way let me understand the surroundings and everything that's in it differently. I hope that my artworks in some or another way enhance the viewer's way of thinking, consciousness and a way to see and understand what’s around us.
2011-2013 MA Graphic arts, Šiauliai University (LT);
2007 Esasmus/Socratus program, BA Graphic arts, Academy of Humanities and Economics, Lodz (PL);
2004-2008 BA Graphic arts, Šiauliai University (LT).
Artist has held over 15 personal exhibitions and participated in more than 50 group exhibitions in Lithuania, USA, France, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Poland.

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member