
Technique: Acrylic on canvas and carton
Dimensions: 30x30 cm
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The painting depicts a lively floral scene rendered in a vivid, impressionistic style. Dominated by a bold use of color, the canvas is filled with clusters of flowers that seem to pulsate with energy. Deep purples and lilacs dominate the lower half, suggesting the lush depth of a garden, while fiery shades of pink and coral erupt across the top, evoking the blossoming of flowers under a bright sky. Dark green patches intermingle among the flowers, providing contrast and hinting at foliage obscured in this thick floral tapestry. The heavy, textured strokes of paint add a tactile quality, almost as if the painter wants viewers to feel the wild, unbridled growth of nature.


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"... and now the time has come when I can do whatever I want. Vilnius. My hometown. How many streets, alleys, courtyards, backyards have been walked, explored, seen through the eye of the lens. And now I'm looking "through the canvas". I am looking at and painting my beloved city. It is nice to escape to the countryside too. And I find colour, playfulness and life in floral motifs," says the artist.

Vytautas Vaicekauskas's paintings are distinguished by their free brushstrokes, abstract style and complete rejection of line - the form is obtained only through colour spots. In this way, the works preserve the impression of dynamics, unstoppable movement and life.

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member

Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Association Member