
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 100x82 cm
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Lithuanian Art Gallery
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The painting depicts two cheerful women dressed in whimsical costumes that include soft, purple afro-style wigs adorned with black bunny ears. Each woman wears a brightly colored, form-fitting leotard; one is pink and the other is blue, both accented with yellow details and a black outline that suggests a simplistic, cartoonish style. Their poses are playful and exaggerated, with one woman placing her hands on her hips and the other throwing a peace sign, their expressions exuding joy and playfulness. The background is minimal, plain off-white, focusing all attention on the vibrant, jubilant figures.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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"I was born and raised in Vilnius. Early on, I started drawing, clay and plasticine moulding, sewing and music. My passion for art has always been supported by my parents, who are very talented, creative and inventive people. Art is an integral part of my soul. I breathe deeply when I create - I feel alive," is how the author, who represents the younger generation of artists, introduces herself.

Katrina's painting style is close to pop art, with many pop culture references, realistic painting combined with animated elements. Here, the girls' nude bodies are combined with cartoon character heads, and the cartoon characters take on human faces. The author ironically raises the question of whether animated characters are like us or we are like them, the problem of human duality and the frequent lack of understanding of oneself.