
Technique: Oil on carton
Dimensions: 31x37 cm
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The painting depicts an abstract, textured mass, predominantly in earthy tones of brown and gold, with hints of green and blue softly emerging in the background. The central figure in the painting appears organic and rounded, reminiscent of a natural form, possibly a rock or a hill, encrusted with patches and dots that suggest moss or lichen. This impression of natural decay or growth is enhanced by linear elements resembling thin, bare tree branches or roots that protrude outward from the top and sides of the central mass, creating a sense of wildness and untamed growth. The background hints at a vague landscape, perhaps a foggy or misty morning, adding depth and mystery to the scene. Overall, the painting evokes a feeling of a primordial, earthly element, enduring through time and elements.


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"The creative process is always an interpretation, where the moment of surprise is the most important," says the author, so instead of avoiding chance, he puts himself in its hands. The interesting textures of his work have become a signature of the author, well-known to his fans. He sifts, starves, peels, breaks the surface of his works like glass, cultivates it in several layers, sometimes for months, and sometimes even "encrusts" it with a small object, which brings its own new voice to the painting.

The very titles of the paintings show that the artist likes to joke, he doesn't take himself too seriouly, but on  deeper level of his works, there is an existential loneliness, sadness, longing, awkwardness, anxiety, melancholy. It is up to the viewer to see how much he will find in them.

1983-1990 - graphic design studies at the Klaipėda Department of the Lithuanian State Institute of Art.
Since 1995 member of the Lithuanian Artists' Union.
Member of Klaipėda County Artists' Union.
Member of the artists' group "Doooooris".

Arvydas works in the fields of painting, graphics, installation and collage.
He has been participating in exhibitions since 1989 and has held 30 solo exhibitions.

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member

Lithuanian Artists’ Association Member