Eagle Owl

Technique: Paste on paper
Dimensions: 100x70 cm
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The painting captures an eagle owl perched elegantly on a branch. The owl is presented with an intense gaze, its large, round eyes dominating the composition and drawing immediate attention. Its feathers are intricately detailed, displaying a mix of soft grays, browns, and creams, with patterns that emulate a woven texture across its chest. The softness of the feathers contrasts with the sharpness of its beak, which gives the bird a wise yet formidable presence. The background is subtly shaded in a neutral tone, ensuring that all focus remains on the owl itself. This lifelike portrayal not only highlights the physical characteristics of the eagle owl but also seems to capture a moment of quiet intensity, as if the owl is attentively surveying its surroundings.


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1cm = 14,5cm

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I remember myself drawing as a child. Like every child. It was something I always loved. As an adult, I drew all the time, but I was also working at a job completely unrelated to art and creativity, so I decided to pursue my dream. I enrolled in the Justinas Vienožinskis Art School, and for three years, in the evenings, after dropping all my other work, I would spend several hours at a sheet of paper with a pencil, a paintbrush or a pen in my hand. This helped me to polish my talent.

When I draw, I feel I am doing something worthwhile. At the moment I am more interested in characters - animals. Because I like illustration, by drawing them I can create a story that only I can imagine, and each viewer can imagine their own, or make a cartoon. I enjoy different drawing techniques and methods. I draw mostly in dry pastel, colored pencils and charcoal.

I have had several exhibitions in Vilnius and Trakai.