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In 1973-1982 he studied the alphabet and theory of art in Kaliningrad (privately for 2 years), Kaunas (graduated from a four-year art school), Vilnius Art Institute (in the Kaunas department of the Faculty of Interior Design and privately). He studied in St. Petersburg at the preparatory studio of the Repin Academy of Art and was a free student at the Mukhina Art Institute, as well as at the Vilnius School of Adult Art and a free student at the VDI and VU.

Between 1982 and 1989 he held 11 solo exhibitions of paintings. He was commissioned by the publishing house "Šviesa" to design book covers. He worked as a painter in Vilnius Waterworks and other organisations, designing interiors and advertising.

In 1989-1991 he lived and worked in the USA. He presented a solo exhibition of paintings at the Sixth World Lithuanian Science and Creativity Symposium, Čiurlionis Gallery, a travelling exhibition of Lithuanian art, and exhibited his works in various US galleries.

In 1991-1993 he held 5 solo exhibitions and participated in various art actions and performances in Lithuania, Hungary, Germany and France.

From 1993 to 2009, Raudondvaris Castle hosted a permanent exhibition of the artist's paintings on both floors and in the tower (from 100 to 200 canvases). He also rented a creative studio there, which was open to visitors and tourists.

Asemic pattern in painting - how to read it?

In the Lithuanian art field, the asemic pattern is mainly used by artists painting abstractions. Such characters can be found in the paintings of the artist Konstantinas Žardalevičius, where illegible text appears between the large brushstrokes, as if written in written letters.

The artist uses different typefaces to refer to different ideas - the Gothic typeface, which is associated with medieval aesthetics, usually symbolises tradition and the past, while the texts of written letters are usually visualisations of ideas, thoughts and the future.

Thus, such texts in art should be read in the same way as they are written - abstractly, without trying to discern concrete meaning. The feeling that comes from seeing the writing also helps to understand the idea encoded by the artist.